Saturday, July 27, 2024

Campervan Holiday Étretat France

Étretat Where Nature’s Masterpiece Meets Historical Charm

Porte d’Aval Etretat arch and L’Aiguille (the Needle)

Étretat, We embarked on a scenic 30-minute drive from Fecamp. Where you’ll find yourself in the enchanting town of Étretat, nestled along the rugged north coast of France. This picturesque destination is renowned for its breathtaking white cliffs adorned with striking rock formations, an artist’s canvas painted by the hands of nature.

Marvel at Nature’s Sculptures

Étretat’s claim to fame lies in its remarkable rock formations, sculpted over centuries by the relentless waves of the sea. As you stroll along the beach, your gaze will be captivated by the magnificent Porte d’Aval arch and L’Aiguille, a majestic pillar rising proudly from the sea. These natural wonders stand as testaments to the awe-inspiring power of nature, inviting you to marvel at their grandeur.

Dramatic Views from Cliffside Chapelle Notre-Dame de la Garde

For panoramic vistas that will leave you breathless, make your way to the cliffside of Chapelle Notre-Dame de la Garde. Perched high above the coastline, this chapel offers dramatic views of the endless expanse of the sea and the rugged cliffs below. It’s a place of serenity, where you can reflect on the beauty of the natural world and the wonders of the French coastline.

Le Vieux Marché A Quaint Souvenir Haven

At the heart of Étretat, discover the charm of Le Vieux Marché, a historic open-timbered indoor marketplace that exudes an old-world ambience. Here, amidst the rustic beams and bustling atmosphere, multiple vendors showcase an array of souvenirs and local delights. It’s not just a marketplace; it’s a journey through time, where you can find unique treasures to commemorate your visit.

Le Clos Lupin: Maurice Leblanc’s Enigmatic Abode

Adjacent to the marketplace stands Le Clos Lupin, a villa that once served as the home of the renowned French author, Maurice Leblanc. Step into the world of literary intrigue as you explore the rooms where Leblanc penned his captivating tales, including those of the infamous Arsène Lupin. The villa stands as a homage to creativity and imagination, inviting literature enthusiasts to delve into the mind of a literary genius.

In Étretat, nature’s wonders harmonize with historical charm, creating an atmosphere of unparalleled beauty and intrigue. Whether the sculpted cliffs, the quaint market delights, or the enigmatic aura of Maurice Leblanc’s former home captivates you, Étretat offers an unforgettable experience that will linger in your heart long after you leave its shores. It’s not just a destination; it’s a voyage into the soul of France, where the past and the present entwine in a tapestry of unparalleled allure.

A walk around Etretat

Etretat has several bakeries , I chose Pain d’ autrefois. It was the one I passed on the way from the free car park. I had a Pear and Almond tart, which was very nice. The Town hall square had a local market the day we visited. We found a bench and ate our lunch and dessert. They had free WIFI which you needed a code to activate. You can get this at Tourist Information in the Town Hall.

There was a choice of nearby walks located near the beach. Turn right (East) and you are on a scenic walk up the cliff. You can see the Les Jardins d’Étretat Influenced by Claude Monet. Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, A Monument, “l’Oiseau Blanc” – Nungesser et Coli. Musée du patrimoine d’Étretat

Turn Left (West) and you are on a steep walk up along the cliff to the Etretat golf course. This golf course gets full marks for its incredible location on the cliffs to the west of the town. It makes for a memorable golfing experience. You can carry on past the Golf course and walk along the cliff tops.

On the way back to the Carpark I bought a freshly baked baguette, from another of the Town’s bakeries. Fait Mason, 19 Av. George V, 76790 Étretat

Free Parking Etretat

The nice thing about Etretat is the free parking just outside the town. It’s about 1.5km to walk to town from here, It’s a nice walk past a few campsites and some nice houses. Toilets can be found in the car park (Parking du Grand Val) closer to town. There is a block near the Town Hall and a few along the beachfront

Les Jardins d’Etretat (the Etretat Gardens)

 This stunning garden was created by landscape architect Alexandre Grivko. Sits atop the cliff to the east of Etretat and is a beautiful modern addition to the town. In 1905, Madame Thebault was a famous actress of the early twentieth century and a close friend of Claude Monet. Built a house and started a small avant-garde garden here. That same garden is now home to incredible stone sculptures and immaculately sculpted shrubs. It looks out over the magnificent Etretat cliffs and sea. This makes it the perfect pit stop for lovers of both Impressionism and contemporary art.


Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde

Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde

The neo-Gothic chapel and its hull-shaped nave refers to the vocation of a place of worship for the sailors of the place.

Silhouette of stone, topped with a roof with two slopes, covered with slate, and facades in freestone, adorned with gargoyles with fish heads.

The Chapel was built following a mission preached by Reverend Father Michel in 1854. The inhabitants decided to build a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin.

The sailors carried the materials for the building on their backs and arms.
On August 6, 1856, it was blessed as a chapel for fishermen and sailors.

The German occupiers decided to destroy it in 1942.

After undergoing reconstruction in 1950, the site received its current name, “Notre Dame de la Garde,” during a blessing conducted by Monsignor Martin, then Archbishop of Rouen, and under the patronage of René Coty, Vice President of the Council of the Republic.

Musée du patrimoine d’Étretat

Located on the upstream cliff, near the Etretat gardens, the museum offers a discovery of the history of Etretat. From its origins to the end of World War II and a room reserved for Nungesser and Coli aviators.

Open from April 2 to May 1 from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Then from mid-June to mid-September, every day from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Entry Fee 3€

Etretat Heritage Museum Avenue Damilaville 76790 ETRETAT.

Accommodation Étretat France

For the Love of Travel – More Campervan Holiday Reviews France

For The Love of Campervan Travel France

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